event pictures 2012
Boy, do we have a lot of pictures from the second SWEDE FEST™PALM BEACH! Many thanks to AJ Shore Photography, LivingFLA, and anyone else who snapped shots and uploaded them to our Facebook page. We would mention your name if we knew it! Feel free to email us with any photo credits or captions so we can add them. Just be sure to identify what the image looks like or where it is in the array so we can put your credits on the proper photo. Send them to info@swedefestpalmbeach.com or ko@alchemycommgroup.com.
Enjoy! And go ahead and put next year’s festival on your calendar now — it’s at 7:00 PM on Saturday, August 2, 2014 — yes, SWEDE FEST™ 3 PALM BEACH is scheduled and we’re already accepting entries. Email and reserve your film today! Then you can start planning you shot list, and nail down the cast…
Joe Ballard
RJ Tesfa, Jooni Lorraine, Liu Jin Jang, and Lih Chang
Lisa Rubin, “Hollywood Cupcake”
Francis Sabando, Kimberly Slusser, Brian Slusser, and Kassandra Byers
Skye Friedman, Claire Oberlin, Marissa Hart, Natalie Hart, Lilli Gereever, and Stevie Wigglesworth
Skye Friedman, Claire Oberlin, Marissa Hart, Natalie Hart, Lilli Gereever, and Stevie Wigglesworth
Chris Mash, Nicole Rankin, and Kelsie Rybalk
Anna Joyce, Tiffany Stamps, and Hanah Nyberg
Brian Slusser
Din Thomas and Josh Kohen face off
Evan Lechy, Julian Lechy, Alex Simpson, Tyler Krieble, Meri Rantama, Lucia Hare-Leahy
The cast and crew of the “Hunger Games” swede
Din Thomas and Josh Kohen
Patrick Byrnd, Maya Lopez, Emmanuel Bori, and Angelica Keky
Catherine Craig
Ryan Dockery and Jennifer Dockery
Eric Oberlin,Claire Oberlin, and Leah Oberlin
Belle Forino and Sherri Gedraitis
Christina Xiao, Caroline Doering, and Rosemary Bulgarelli
Judy Kenny and Sherri Gedraitis
Dane Piscopo
Cindy Nelson, Stephanie Eakins, and Monica Garcia
Samantha Bashwinen
Greg Pitts and son, Lamar Pitts
Benjamin Garcia and Eric Lucatero, the close up
Ricky Coker
Ramal Pitts, Greg Pitts, and Lamar Pitts
Megan Mufgon and Tiffany Guenra
Kevin Sinicki, Jason Pennington, Virginia Sinicki, and Magnolia Lang
Shawn Anderson and Belle Forino
Jesse Mogk
Benjamin Garcia and Eric Lucatero
Donna Lyman and Brian Kramer
Claire Oberlin and Skye Friedman
Some of last year’s “sweders”
Kassandra Byers and Kimberly Slusser
Patricia Kelly, Aleya Zenieris, and Catherine Kelly
Kaleb Hedrick and Amy Harris
Andrea Fredricks, Sherri Gedraitis, and Belle Forino
Cindy Nelson and Angelina Rada
Manual Ostonio, Juan Reyes, Antonella Reguerio, and Jimera Tovar