Epics of Epic Epicness

Heh. Does anyone know what movie we reference in this post’s headline? And the person who just let us know he’s sweding Scott Pilgrim vs. The World doesn’t count.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The WorldAnd yes, he’s calling it Scott Pilgrim vs. The Swede.

We are quite excited about the epicness of everyone’s swede ideas. We have blockbuster Oscar winners (Raging Bull, Titanic, Life of Pi, Cast Away), cool indie films (the aforementioned Scott Pilgrim, Napoleon Dynamite), comedies (Ted, Shrek, Little Shop of Horrors, Back to the Future, Supertroopers, Roman Holiday), dramas (Ghost, Goodfellas, Dead Man Down, Moby Dick, Twister), sci fi (Starship Troopers, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Tron, Alien, They Live), horror (The Shining, The Exorcist, Mama), action (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Point Break, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers), and fantasy (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Edward Scissorhands).

Every swede submitted will be showcased this year, either in the theater or the lobby of The Borland Center for Performing Arts on Saturday, July 27, 2013. And anyone sending stills from their swede can look forward to us plastering them all over Facebook and this website. Oh, and buy your tickets now.

Now, if we could only get Sex Bob-omb to play the after-party…


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