Picture This…

We know you’ve been waiting for it. You want to know if you’re in it. So, without further ado, here is New Vision Productions’ video of SWEDE FEST 2 PALM BEACH…   2013 The Making of Swede Fest 2 Palm Beach from swede fest palm beach on Vimeo. Share it… Continue reading


Now the Fun Begins…

…for us, anyway. The swedes are in! Anticipation is building for our quirky little event, and tickets are selling. Remember that The Borland’s capacity is only 500 — and we sold out last year. The time is now to drop your Lincolns and grab your tix; they’ll be $6 cash… Continue reading


A Tribute to SWEDE FEST™ PALM BEACH 2012

Think of it as the swede of SWEDE FEST™ PALM BEACH 2012. Only there was never a big-budget original. Okay, so the analogy doesn’t really work, but if you were at swede fest™ palm beach 2012, you’ll recall the crew that was recording all the action. The photographers. The screaming… Continue reading
