Check it out — swede fest™ palm beach has a cool new look for year #3. Tell EVERYONE you have EVER met. No, really. And reserve your film soon, because some overachievers have already called dibs on some cool flicks.
We’ll post again soon to remind you of all the submission guidelines, whether we’re adding age divisions this year, etc.
And while we’re on the topic of age, a note: Because swede fest™ palm beach is an all-ages event, we remind our directors, cast, and producers (using those terms in the loosest sense possible, of course) that any swede submitted must be PG-13, even if your source material is not.
That means no epic swears, no nekkidness, and avoiding overt drug references. Have fun; just remember that you wanted to have fun when you were a kid, too.
Don’t harsh the grommets.